Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The big day

So I'm going to be 20 years old. Some people will say 21 is the big one and i agree! BUT in my case and a lot of other people who deal with things like i do or worst every year is big. 20 is bigger then past birthdays because 20 means i have fought one of the hardest battles to fight and thats living with a terminal illness. But see the thing is no way would i have ever even come this close without the support of my family and friends. This Thursday I dedicate my celebration of life to all of you as well because without the kindness and hope and prayers and support you have given me i would not be here and thats a fact not an opinion. For all the people i have ever hurt i really am sorry and this is me truly apologizing. And for all the people who think " I wonder if i have ever made a difference in someones life" well you have, you gave me a reason to fight and get out of bed for 20 years and still going. I love every single one of you more then words or actions will ever say. Truly i thank all of you so much.